Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Enter post title, for the last time

I started this blog in 2005. 8 years ago. It was a simpler time! I had just ran my first marathon, Zach and I were newly-ish wed and renting an apartment in suburban California, and I was a fresh 25 years old.

Since then I’ve run 10 marathons, dozens of other road races, a bunch of trail races, and a handful of triathlons including an Ironman. I went from a new runner to a seasoned competitor to a burnt-out overachiever to a balanced, well-rounded, zen-like athlete. Or something. I have been married almost 10 years. I’m now an Oregonian, a homeowner, and a mother.

I’m pretty sure I’m the coolest person you’ll ever know. That’s what this blog has been about, and I think we can all agree it is settled.

I’ve enjoyed writing this blog because I consider myself a good writer. I consider myself VERY hilarious! I’ve re-read each post a hundred times and glow with satisfaction each and every time.

But, alas, I seem to be the only one. And that’s ok! You are all fantastic writers as well, and whatever you are doing seems to be striking a chord with the community. I think my sporadic posting, inflated ego, and lack of reviews/giveaways/commenting/effort has finally taken it’s toll and my readership has dwindled. And that is truly ok.

I am officially over it. No one cares! I don’t mean this all to sound self-pitying, believe me! I am writing this with a big, shit-eating grin on my face. I’m free! I’m finally freeeee! I don’t have the time, and I lack the enthusiasm. And I’m sick of feeling guilty about it!

Go, go! Enjoy the world of fun, funny, interesting blogs. I know I will! But I will no longer be among them.

I am finally, completely relieving myself of this obligation. I am sincerely grateful for all the people I’ve met through the blogging community- in person and online. I’ve so appreciated all of your support and encouragement. It has been a very important part of my life and it has been a pleasure to share it with you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I will keep my email address here- and I will continue to check it every 6 or so months. If anyone in future generations finds this blog and wants to reach out to me please do. Just don’t expect a prompt reply!

The rest of you, if you haven’t already, please find me on Facebook or Instagram. There are several of you who still need to do this but most of you have already. I will continue to post pictures of my insanely gorgeous daughter and brag about my running achievements on those platforms. And you can always look me up on Athlinks if you are a dedicated stalker.

Well, I could go on and on but that’s really the gist of it.

Love ya, mean it.

Thank you for reading.


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Layla said...

Long-time lurker here (I think I've commented a few times in the 4-5 years I've followed your blog). I know the feeling, and I only blog when I feel like it. I firmly believe that there shouldn't be pressure to blog unless it's your actual source of income -- life is too short to feel guilty about such things.

I love Portland and have wanted to move there for three years now, so maybe I'll eventually do it and will try to track you down. I'll ask Aron for an intro, since I think I found both of you through each other's blogs. In the meantime, kudos for finding the priorities in life.

Carolina John said...

yea I hope I get to meet you in person too one day, along with the rest of the crew. Enjoy your blog retirement, you've earned it!

Marathon Maritza said...

For the record, I continued reading, even though I didn't comment much since I prefer giving you compliments in real life! But I think you'll enjoy blog's very liberating.

P.S. you definitely were hilarious. Xoxo

Ewen said...

I've enjoyed reading your blog and following your journey Jen. It's been a long one!

All the best to you, Zach and Penny!

Anonymous said...

Baby - I wouldn't have known you without your blog! We would not have had our California running adventure, you would not have told me I COULD qualify for Boston, we would not have had Paris and we would not have had our amazing run together in Oregon.

I totally understand your thinking though - even though we are still reading your blog and look out for it. Go focus on Zach and Penny and your lovely life. Stay in touch with me though! Much love, Petra

Amy said...

I think you are the most awesomest ever and there was never any debate at all. I'm going to miss reading your blog! Now I'll have to drive across town and see you more often, I guess, so I can get your race reports and see pics of the baby! :)

Keri said...

I too am a long time reader, but have only commented a handful of times. I will miss your posts as well.

Your ironman journey inspired me to sign up for and complete my first ironman.

Best of luck in the future!

Alisa said...

Sad but I totally understand. As I said, as long as you still give all your race reports in person I'm okay with it. (Oh and text me cute photos of Penny).

Susan - Nurse on the Run said... and Aron were the first running bloggers I ever read back in the day. I think I started reading around 2008, so I remember so many journeys! Marathon training turned Ironman training turned pregnant running and now motherhood! I've always loved your levelheaded approach to all of the above and not letting it totally consume your life. Thanks for letting me be a part of your life over these past five-ish years (crazy, right?), and I hope I get to meet you, Zach, and sweet Penny one day! Luckily we'll still have Facebook. :)


Paul said...

Oh , just surfing by to read the avenue of the giants race report and sorry that you stopped posting.

Don't stop running (I hope)!

You will need it more than ever as you get older. 8)


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