First, the good: I've been running quite a bit and am feeling great! I'll post my recent runs below. My legs feel strong and I feel some speed coming back. I also have officially registered for my next race- the Eugene Marathon on May 2nd. I start training in about a month and am going to use the new Pfitz 12/55 training plan. I'll be ramping up slowly and enjoying the easy schedule for now, but I'm really looking forward to training again!
Also, we've been spending lots of time with friends which is always fun. We hosted a game night on Friday and had a blast, and we went bowling and to a housewarming party last night. Then today we met up with our friends that are in town from Seattle. I've been to yoga with Emily, Zumba with Alisa, and running with Deana.
We've also cleaned up our diet a bit and I'm starting to feel better physically after the over-indulging streak in December. I only lost a half a pound this week but I feel better which is what matters.
The bad, well I've just been in a bit of a funk. I think it's the weather- I finally understand why people say Portland's weather gets to you. It's not the rain, although we've had plenty, it's the dark. With the super short days (sun was setting at 4:30 or so at the earliest) and heavy cloud cover, it feels like it never gets light out. It's bizarre and definitely a bit depressing. I just feel sort of "off." It sucks. I'm dealing with it though- spending time with friends is good medicine. We bitch about the weather, but mostly we laugh and talk and have a good time. I'm also spending as much time outside as possible so even if it's dim I am getting a little "daylight" rather than being indoors all the time. We had a couple lighter/brighter days this weekend which was nice. The days will be getting longer very rapidly so I'm looking forward to that. Hopefully this is just a phase and I'll shake it soon. Otherwise I'm just going to have to book some tickets to Phoenix and visit Inga again. :)
Well here's the recap of my last 2 weeks or so. It's kind of neat that you can really see me getting stronger! There are some photos after that from a little hike we did just east of Portland near the Sandy River last weekend. Finally, there is a photo slideshow movie Zach made of our amazing 2009- he posted it on his blog but considering he almost never updates that anymore I know a lot of people missed it!
Saturday Dec 26
6.0 miles/53:28/8:55 average pace
Super windy run out on Marine Drive. My longest run since the Ironman and it was very tough!
Sunday Dec 27
Hike on the coast. Pics in previous post.
(total miles for that week: 13.9- 5 weeks post IM)
Monday Dec 28
4.5 miles/37:52/8:25 average pace
Waterfront loop with Zach - strong pace and felt pretty good!
Wednesday Dec 30
4.0 miles/36:38/9:09 average pace
Easy solo run
Thursday Dec 31
4.5 miles/35:22/7:52 average pace
Waterfront loop solo- after a crazy busy day at work I was super charged for this run and ran super fast. I was so stressed when I started this run but felt like a million bucks after!
Saturday Jan 2
8.0 miles/1:12:37/9:05 average pace
Banks Vernonia trail, partially with Zach. My longest run post IM but wasn't feeling great.
(total miles for that week: 21)
Monday Jan 4
4.5 miles 38:40/8:36 average pace
Waterfront loop with Zach. Felt like I was working really hard for not my fastest pace.
Did a short weights workout at the gym after.
Tuesday Jan 5
Yoga @ gym
Wednesday Jan 6
5.0 miles/48:15/9:39 average pace
I ran up to Deana's and we did 3 miles together in hilly Northwest. Then I ran home and busted out a 7:35 last mile on the way- it's mostly downhill.
I also did a weights class at the gym in the morning since it was my day off work. In the evening I went to a 90 minute Bikram Yoga class with Emily and Anne... it was very weird but I enjoyed it. I will go back a couple times since I've paid for it but I doubt I'll get super into it.
Thursday Jan 7
Zumba with Alisa
Friday Jan 8
4.5 miles/39:57/8:53 average pace
Easy solo run
Saturday Jan 9
8.0 miles/1:08:07/8:31 average pace
Champoeg Park run with Zach. Felt great and very happy with the pace. We had a little bit of sunshine which made me happy. :)
(total miles for this week: 22)
Picture time:
Sandy River area:
Wow, Metallica...what a softie. Haha..
I'm seriously impressed by the year you've had and the pictures you amassed while kicking butt. Kudos to you guys both.
Oh, and if Portland gets old, I know a place with plenty of runners and sunshine!
(read: mid-70's and sunny today)
Jen, a good 10 days of training I'd say. Yes, oh yes, the Portland winters, but as they say "when the sun is out, Portland is the most beautiful place in the world, all that green!". Or at least that is what I say (hehe). Anyway, keep that sunshine in your mind & on your face with your beautiful smile :>
Great video! I've enjoyed reading your posts...especially your Ironman recaps. Keep up the great work! :)
Great pictures as always. Glad to hear the legs are feeling good and the body is rebounding from all the Ironman training.
Way to go after another big event. You are going to rock the marathon in May.
Awesome video!
I hear you on the grey days, Jen - I grew up in Seattle, and we had much the same weather during the winter months. I would always tell non-NW'ers - "It's not the rain, it's the clouds that get to you." Hang in there. It will be Spring in no time.
I think getting outside as much as you can and hanging out with friends is KEY to surviving the winter here. It also helps if you can take mini vacations between Nov and June. For me, after the holidays to June are the hardest months. The springtime especially so even though it starts staying lighter later it's the gray. RANT OVER!
Great job getting your miles in. You're already back up to 8 miles, that's fantastic! I can't wait to cheer you on in Eugene. Marathon training even Pfitz must seem like nothing compared to 2009 for you.
Looking forward to runs and zumba!
I love his videos. So cool.
Man, you didn't waste anytime did you. I'm excited for your marathon training!! I'm trying to get back to my pre-holidy weight. I'v only lost a little, but I feel so much better. and you right - that is what counts!
great runs! I think you're doing much better than I am :)
The dark kills me, too. My new gym has one of those SAD lights, which is kind of awesome - even though I haven't yet taken advantage of it!
I hope to see you soon!
Chin up, girl, the sun will be out again soon! I know it's hard to get past the weather, but think of all the awesome plans you have in store already for this year!
If all else fails, drink beer. :)
Come visit sunny Colorado! And bring Emily (and Zach and Josh). We could have a training/boozing weekend w/ KK!
And by "training/boozing" weekend she means boozing only. Yes, come out here, it's cold but sunny and stays light out sooooo much later, like at least 5 or so.
Sorry about the funk. Amy went through something similar after her IM and she still says she's in it. Hopefully you're new goal will help get you out of it. I always wanted to try the Pfitz training plans. I am interested to see how you like it-have you used it before?
Here's to hoping that life gets back to being lollipops and candy bars for you real soon!
I'll swap you some long HOT days (101F today!) for some of your cool darkness. Hang in there - the days are getting longer - they must be - ours are getting shorter ;) Get whatever vitamin D you can.
Loved the video - nice guitar solo. Although nothing will top the IM one - it was the best!
COME TO CALI for a visit!!!! <3
glad the running is going well! i dont think funks are uncommon this time of year post holidays and everything, you will get out of it soon :)
I am VERY affected by weather. 2 or 3 days of cloudy dreary weather and I am climbing the walls!
If you ever want to escape to Hawaii or Florida, let me know. I'd love to have more people to swim, bike & run with. Thanks for the photos & video.
I often wonder how you stay so motivated despite the weather.
with beautiful scenery like that there's no need to be in a funk. buckle up virginia!
Hey sweetie sorry that took me so long to get to you. You're doing really well - good for you in your pacing and your effort levels - sounds like you're striking the right balance there.
As for the funk - well that was going to happen wasn't it? Post IronJen, post Christmas, January blues - just allow yourself to feel it. But you're doing really well powering through it and if you keep at it you will see the sunshine soon enough. Otherwise come and see me and I'll cheer you up!
Hey sweetie sorry that took me so long to get to you. You're doing really well - good for you in your pacing and your effort levels - sounds like you're striking the right balance there.
As for the funk - well that was going to happen wasn't it? Post IronJen, post Christmas, January blues - just allow yourself to feel it. But you're doing really well powering through it and if you keep at it you will see the sunshine soon enough. Otherwise come and see me and I'll cheer you up!
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