I mentioned this briefly in my last post- but now I've been swimming 3 times in the last 2 weeks, which I think deserves it's very own post! I've really enjoyed these recent swims and am hoping I stay motivated to keep at it.
I feel like swimming is something pregnant women are supposed to do. All the books and websites recommend it (right after walking, of course none dare mention running) and I suppose it just makes sense, especially late in pregnancy when all you want is to feel weightless and semi-normal. So, I felt like I should start swimming so I could be a proper pregnant person!
It had been a couple months since I'd gone swimming (and really I'd only gone swimming maybe a dozen times in 2011 total) so I was a little rusty. One key that got me back in the pool: finding a swimsuit that FIT. My old Ironman two-piece was embarrassingly tight and my not-yet-popped tummy just looked gross in it. Alisa loaned me one of her full-piece suits and I'm loving it. I am going to try a 2-piece again, just need one that actually fits.
My first time back I was surprised to feel totally normal and just like my "old self" in the pool! In fact, when timing a single lap, I was barely any slower than before! Very unlike running, where I'm 1-2 minutes per mile slower than before. (Um, to be fair, I was a rather slow swimmer to begin with) In that first workout, I was just so proud of myself for showing up that I considered it a big success. I swam 1,000 yards with a mix of freestyle and breastroke. It took me about 25 minutes of swimming and I was probably in the pool an additional 10 minutes, resting and feeling proud of myself (and of course rubbing my belly affectionately, so no one thought it was a beer gut).
A few days later, I was back and I had a GOAL! I was going to swim 200's. No idea where I got this. I ended up doing 3 of these repeats with easy breastroke 100's in between, and minimal rest, and WOW that was a wake up call. When swimming the 200's I would be tired by the first 100 and the last 100 was a sloppy strugglefest. Not pretty! I realized that while a 50 might take me my usual 1:00-1:05 ish, when I string together more than one I slow way down and my form falls apart. I have zero endurance! It's amazing to think I swam 4,000 yards without stopping a couple years ago (in training a couple times, and in the Ironman). I ended up doing 1,000 total again in about 25 minutes (mix of free and breast) but with way less rest, maybe 5 minutes total.
Then? I went again! Look at me!! I had the day off work (ahem, hookey) and that time I went nuts and swam 1,200 yards. I did the 200's again and while they were just as hard, I was a smidge faster. Then I did some sets of pulling which was fun! That whole workout took me about 28 minutes (plus a few minutes of rest). I am certainly not fast but that's fine! I think I'll get a little faster with practice, but who cares. I am having fun!
Speaking of swimming.... the baby inside of me is definitely doing some amniotic-fluid ballet and today for the first time I really could feel it for sure!! It is SO weird, but I love it. :)
Back with more updates soon! I'm doing a couple runs this weekend that are destined to be awesome- one is with a blogger that I'll be meeting in person for the first time (!!!) and the other is a long run with Alisa on one of the most scenic trails in Oregon! Also back with some pictures of said runs and my growing gut!
Have a wonderful weekend friends.
It's kristen from run for wine. I have to comment annoynmous because it wont let me with my wordpress account. BLOGGER SUCKS.
Look at you go!! Have you lost interest in running since your slower? I went swimming once since finding out. It's my plan B when it becomes to uncomfortable to run. A year or so ago, I saw a cute woman who was probably about 6 months rpegnant swimming. She was adorable and I remember thinking, I want to be like that when I'm pregnant!
I love that your feeling your little gummy bear move around all ready. That's so exciting!
I hope you have a great time with alisa and new blogger!
I wish I could get my daughter in the pool - you are so right.
I love "pulling" workouts too. Makes me feel strong.
If you are feeling baby, that means Sara should be feeling something in a few more weeks. So exciting! ;)
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