Thank you 104.5 KFOG for playing that song right now and thus picking my blog title for me today!
Ok catching up:
Friday 3.0 miles/26:49/8:57 average pace
I went to the gym Friday night after work and ran on the treadmill, then did 20 minutes or so of weight training. The run was easy and I passed the time listening to Steve Runner's Phedippidations Podcast. I finally sent him an email with my CIM race report, it would be neat if he reads it on one of the upcoming shows!
Saturday 9.0 miles/1:23:43/9:18 average pace
Zach had to go into work for a few hours on Saturday, so we were forced out of bed by 6:30 am to get our run in. Well, that worked out marvelously because that was exactly the ONLY time in several days when it was not pouring rain! By the time I dropped him off and was back at home it was already pouring. Nice timing eh?! We ran 5 of the miles together, then he picked it up for his final 3 and I did 4 more at my slow/easy pace. He is 4 weeks out from his half marathon and is running some great paces (7:00 for his last mile of this long run), cool. I am slow and steady but feeling very good about that. :)
Sunday we did a long walk around the neighborhoods including a stop at the new Chinese supermarket (interesting stuff!). We walked almost 7 miles in a couple of hours. The best part is we found this new park which is at the top of a hill near one of our running routes. That's right - new hill!! I actually ran it yesterday along with a few other bursts of running throughout our walk. Legs felt good!
TOTAL miles for last week: 18
PLUS 500 m swimming, 12 miles biking, and 3? weight training sessions
Monday 3.0 miles/26:44/8:55 average pace
The worst of the rain storms seem to have passed so I got a lovely run in outside before work this morning. I had some new music on my iPod and the sunrise was gorgeous- what a way to start the day. Was thinking of going to the gym tonight but I think I'll play the Monday card and watch tv instead. Sometimes just getting through the day is enough. :) Plus I already ran today and I biked to work too. Good enough for me.
Have a wonderful week everyone!
Sounds like a great weekend. Try to stay dry.
Happy New Year!!
Glad to hear that rains have passed and your running is going well. Funny how sometimes just one workout a day doesn't seem like much :-)
Eek, what a storm we had. Glad you made it through OK.
You could also have titled it Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, right?
Ur off to a Good 2008' start Jen...way to go !! Wishing u a great running 08' season!
Love that song. :-) Great job on the running. When is your next race?
Chinese supermarket? Where??!!
Send some rain down this way Jen - we haven't had anything decent for a couple of weeks. The trails are getting dusty!
Looks like you're kicking off the year in a nice relaxed manner.
Your mention of KFOG reminds me of our last trip to the states - we had a satellite radio in the hire car - very cool - always on the station (except in the tunnels).
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