Friday: run
12.0 miles/1:42:12/8:31 average pace
I did my long run Friday since we had a big day planned for Sunday and I am incapable of getting up early. I ran the first 6 miles easy at an 8:57 pace. I ran a little faster on the way back at 8:03 pace. The return trip did include a few breaks though, including watching a science demonstration on the grass outside OMSI.
So I didn't run over the weekend at all, or do any training on Sunday since I was gravely hungover. The party was super fun and it was great to hang out with everyone and meet a couple new people. Of course there ended up being a pushup session and maybe even some group singing as the night grew very late. Awesome. Pics at the end of the post.
total miles for the week: 30
Onto the taper week:
Monday: run
4.5 miles /38:51/8:38 average pace
I was pretty busy during the day yesterday so I ran with Zach when he got home from work. We met Emily down on the waterfront and ran the bridge loop while we reviewed the hazy parts of the party.
Onto the miscellaneous topics:
* I started a French language class through Portland Community College yesterday. It's Monday mornings for like 10 weeks. It's awesome, the instructor is hilarious and there are a bunch of weirdos in the class. I've studied Spanish and German but never French so it's going to be hard! I'm determined to have proper pronunciation including the gurgly "r". I really want to go to Paris someday (as soon as we can afford it) and I want to be able to order wine, coffee, and pain au chocolat (something Maritza didn't stop talking about for about 6 months after her visit there) with ease.
* Next week I am meeting with someone with the aforementioned OMSI to discuss a new volunteering gig there. I might be doing something cool with visitor surveys and mapping (where people go during their visits).
* Finally, in the Ways to Enhance My Life category, I'm seriously looking into going to graduate school. I'm meeting with someone this week and will be doing a lot of reading and discussing with Zach. I'll keep you updated.
* Zach's birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. He'll be 30 on April 16th! We are doing something low-key at a local pub and I'll be emailing you locals.
* Maritza is for sure coming up to Portland at the end of June to hang out and spend a long summer weekend sampling dozens of local brews and getting pine needles in places. She just got her tickets yesterday and I had to publicly broadcast how excited I am. <3
* I am so far behind on reading everyone's blogs. I will get to it I promise!
* I'll post later this week but in case I wasn't specific: my goal for the Half Marathon next weekend is 1:43:39 or better (which would be a PR). Not PR'ing is not an option. Zach will carry me if he has to, not unlike the way he carried me home from Emily's party last weekend.
* Speaking of the party: picture time! I had tons so I just went with a couple of good black and white ones. I'm sure everyone else has pics posted too including a shitload on FB. Enjoy!
The tasting in progress:
I love this pic!