Friday: run
12.0 miles/1:42:12/8:31 average pace
I did my long run Friday since we had a big day planned for Sunday and I am incapable of getting up early. I ran the first 6 miles easy at an 8:57 pace. I ran a little faster on the way back at 8:03 pace. The return trip did include a few breaks though, including watching a science demonstration on the grass outside OMSI.
So I didn't run over the weekend at all, or do any training on Sunday since I was gravely hungover. The party was super fun and it was great to hang out with everyone and meet a couple new people. Of course there ended up being a pushup session and maybe even some group singing as the night grew very late. Awesome. Pics at the end of the post.
total miles for the week: 30
Onto the taper week:
Monday: run
4.5 miles /38:51/8:38 average pace
I was pretty busy during the day yesterday so I ran with Zach when he got home from work. We met Emily down on the waterfront and ran the bridge loop while we reviewed the hazy parts of the party.
Onto the miscellaneous topics:
* I started a French language class through Portland Community College yesterday. It's Monday mornings for like 10 weeks. It's awesome, the instructor is hilarious and there are a bunch of weirdos in the class. I've studied Spanish and German but never French so it's going to be hard! I'm determined to have proper pronunciation including the gurgly "r". I really want to go to Paris someday (as soon as we can afford it) and I want to be able to order wine, coffee, and pain au chocolat (something Maritza didn't stop talking about for about 6 months after her visit there) with ease.
* Next week I am meeting with someone with the aforementioned OMSI to discuss a new volunteering gig there. I might be doing something cool with visitor surveys and mapping (where people go during their visits).
* Finally, in the Ways to Enhance My Life category, I'm seriously looking into going to graduate school. I'm meeting with someone this week and will be doing a lot of reading and discussing with Zach. I'll keep you updated.
* Zach's birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. He'll be 30 on April 16th! We are doing something low-key at a local pub and I'll be emailing you locals.
* Maritza is for sure coming up to Portland at the end of June to hang out and spend a long summer weekend sampling dozens of local brews and getting pine needles in places. She just got her tickets yesterday and I had to publicly broadcast how excited I am. <3
* I am so far behind on reading everyone's blogs. I will get to it I promise!
* I'll post later this week but in case I wasn't specific: my goal for the Half Marathon next weekend is 1:43:39 or better (which would be a PR). Not PR'ing is not an option. Zach will carry me if he has to, not unlike the way he carried me home from Emily's party last weekend.
* Speaking of the party: picture time! I had tons so I just went with a couple of good black and white ones. I'm sure everyone else has pics posted too including a shitload on FB. Enjoy!
The tasting in progress:
I love this pic!
Fun times. Good luck with the birthday party, hope it's fun. So jealous of all the pushups!
I can't believe we missed the sing-along! :)
I am currently working PT at OMSI, so let me know if you have any questions at all. I know a lot of the peeps there & could find out more about others if you want!
When is Maritza coming? I was going to have PB&J party in June, and could definitely adjust the schedule to include her if we so desired.
Ha, I studied some Spanish and German too but French was out because of the spelling and pronunciation. I lasted only 2 weeks in one HS class but hope to be able to learn a few different languages, incl French, when I retire. Maybe then I'll feel more comfortable about traveling abroad.
Good luck at your half marathon this weekend. I'm sure you'll do well with those awesome run numbers you've been posting!!
race week!!!!!! PR PR PR :) cant wait to read about you rocking that race!!
sounds like a great weekend - love all the pics on FB :)
also sounds like you have a lot of awesome stuff going on right now! french class, volunteering, grad school, etc... so fun! good luck with it all :)
Holy cow 2:30am! I thought it was late at 12:30 when we left! Man you are party animals.
Yay Maritza's coming to town. Hopefully I will be able to hang out too. I know we have a family vacation sometime and my work is bound to get crazier than it already is in June.
Yay for PR'ing...I'm hoping to PR too!
Zach's b-day sounds fun to me...send us the info.
Good luck at the race. Looks like the party was fun.
Sounds like a great weekend...runners definitely know how to have fun! Good luck learning French...I took seven years of German and don't have too much to show for it.
Facebook! How do I find all of you on there without seeming too stalker-ish??
After all of that reading I am most shocked by anyone being up at 2:30am!!!! You young ones are crazy :)
You will crush the PR this weekend. I have a good feeling!!
Happy early Birthday Zach! I saw some pics on FB....looked like an uber fun party. And I'm glad your wine won the taste test!
Good luck at the 1/2! We'll both be racing on the same day. I know you'll PR. The taper will definitely help too. Can't wait to hear about it!
I like "Not PR'ing is not an option"! Great attitude Jen. I'll make a prediction of 1:42:05.
My favourtie is the top one - I like how you're in the background with the light shining on the wall behind you. Great composition.
Au revoir, et ne pas manger trop de chocolat avant le dimanche!
Party looks great as do you. All plans - fantastic. French! Pain au chocolat! Grad School! Zach's party! And a PR! You're completely right and on track! And remain fast...
I love black and white pictures. Great job on the run you are going to rock the half.
I think it is great to look into going to grad school. With the economy the way it is and the job market school is a good option.
I am very excited for you, zach, and deana to race this weekend! I know you will all do great :)
OMSI looks very cool!
I can send you some awesome french music to enjoy during french class...then when you learn it all you can tell me what I am actually singing along too!!! Or maybe I don't want to know...
Now might be the perfect time to go to grad school - definitely keep us posted!! And Good Luck!
Have a wonderful week!
french! that's fantastic! french pronunciation just baffles me. i took german, which is basically just pronounced they way it looks and sounds like you are hacking up phlegm. not nearly as pretty as french. go for the pr!! i'll be there too, but not pr'ing :( just part of a training run. kick butt!
Sounds like you all had a blast. I also heard you won the 'best wine' category, but nobody has mentioned what it was. I want to try it!
I'm excited for your upcoming PR :)
yay for taper, wine and black and white photos! looks like you kids had an absolute blast! you look so purdy!
I can't believe I'm trying to finish a half-mary 17 minutes after JEN! that's crazy! I must be insane b/c you are hella fast.
Anyway, I love the comment about him carrying you across the finish line much like last weekend... lol too funny. You're going to do awesome this weekend. You're ready to kick some major tail and set a new PR!
I won't be around this weekend to wish you good luck, so GOOD LUCK!!!
nice job on the long run and the fun party!!! You are SO going to PR this weekend!!!
French class sounds like so much fun, but I am sure is a bit difficult as well!
Have a great mini taper this week :)
Oh my gosh French! I didn't know this!
I took 2 years of French in high school and only remember how to count! We can count together in French in June! :) And I HEART that you posted I'm coming up cuz you're excited...I'm ECSTATIC!
Good luck this weekend at the half! Kick ass, sasafras!
P.S. my word verification is 'unchaffe' hahaha! Hope you unchaffe this weekend! (meaning, no chaffing!!)
Good luck this weekend. Look forward to the full report on a new PR!!
I took French in High School and the only think I learned to say was "I don't know" because as long as we said it in French we didn't get in trouble.
oo french sounds fun. I would love to go to Paris too (when I can afford it). The last picture is really cute. Who doesn't love a wine party.
good luck on sunday!
I'm behind in blog land too! Thank goodness for slow Fridays :)
I had such a great time with you guys - until 2 am. And I love that picture of you and I! Great times. . .
Can't wait for Zach's birthday - and for the race this weekend! Yippee!
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