Friday 8.0 miles/1:12:32/9:04 average pace
I was down at my brother and sister-in-law's on Friday so I finally got to check out the trail near their house- the Stevens Creek Trail in Mountain View. That website is great- it has a virtual tour and a mileage tool. I ran the length of the trail and enjoyed every minute of it.
Now onto the really good stuff:
Saturday 20.0 miles/2:49:51/8:30 average pace
This was the perfect run. I drove into San Francisco and ran my favorite 20 mile loop: 8 ish miles through the gentle hills of Golden Gate Park, 3 miles down the coast, 5 miles around Lake Merced, and back up the coast to the parking lot at Great Highway/Lincoln. I felt great, I was so focused, and I was just effortlessly cruising along. Ok, maybe effortless is a stretch, but it never felt hard. I was a little worried when my first few miles were coming in well under my usual 9:00 pace. I thought "this is either going to be the best run ever, or a total disaster" and guess what? Best run ever. Here's a summary of my pace:
First 5 miles in 43:39 (8:44 average pace)
Second 5 miles in 42:04 (8:25 average pace)
Next 5 miles in 43:13 (8:39 average pace)
Last 5 miles in 40:55 (8:11 average pace) including my last mile in 7:49
I did the same 20 miler at this point in my training last time (link here) and seems I felt great then too. However, this time I ran about 6 minutes faster!
I didn't feel sore at all after the run, but on Sunday I was feeling a little achy in my shins (specifically my right shin/calf) and super tired overall. I took a long nap in the afternoon and iced my leg off and on. No swimming or anything. This is where I was so sore last time around, except it was in both legs and really a lot worse. I'm going to play it really safe and skip today's scheduled easy run. It feels fine today but still going to rest. Actually I think I'll cross train- maybe a bike ride after work. I have three more big runs this week that I'd like to complete so hopefully a few days off will do the trick.
TOTAL miles last week: 43
PLUS 1000 m swimming (tuesday and thursday, don't know if I logged that)
AND 2 times strength training at home :)
Here's my schedule for this week (first week of the taper!)
Monday: cross train/rest
Tuesday: xt
Wednesday: 8 miles (2 miles VO2 Intervals)
Thursday: xt
Friday: 10 miles General Aerobic
Saturday: 16 miles Long Run
Sunday: rest/xt
Total scheduled: 34
Three weeks from today is the Boston Marathon!