Monday, April 24, 2006

OR, OR, CA (respectively)

Thursday 8.00 miles/1:12:53/9:07 average pace

Amazon Creek trail in Eugene. Good stuff!

Friday 12.00 miles/1:46:16/8:51 average pace

Alton Baker recreation area, including "Pre's Trail" !! And then out and back along the Willamette River. The pace felt comfortable and my legs felt good. Love love love running in Oregon.

Sunday 8.00 miles/1:13:23/9:11 average pace

Easy miles (9:30 ish) until the last mile when I did 3x strides and ended up with a 7:58 mile.

TOTAL miles for taper week 1: 32

Plan for taper week 2:

Monday: 4
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: 6
Thursday: rest
Friday: 6
Saturday: 10 Dress Rehearsal
Sunday: rest

total: 26

... In case you were wondering,
YES this is freakishly and frighteningly low miles and YES itreally really freaks me out and YES it kills me that the only thing that makes me less anxious and nervous and antsy and obsessive and crazy is running and YES that is the one thing I cannot do right now!!!!!!! And YES I acknowlege that this mental state is pretty common for someone tapering for a marathon and YES I am reminding myself of that fact pretty often. And YES I am trying to reign in my obsessive tendencies by making list after list after list of a variety of subjects including but not limited to packing list for marathon weekend, food schedule, outifit options, driving plans, race strategy, race goals, after-marathon plans, etc.... And YES I have checked the weather forecast already for the marathon weekend and NO it is NOT AVAILABLE!!!!!!!!!!! :( Oh and YES my husband is getting really annoyed with me but he is doing an excellent job of masking it.


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