Thursday, October 25, 2007

Peak Week Update

Thursday 12.0 miles/1:50:00/9:10 average pace

Ran the first 5.5 miles with Zach at 5:00 am, then finished up on my own listening to This American Life. I've been pretty sore the last couple days, but I felt ok while running and actually a little better afterwards. Mainly I was sore in my quads, but my calves are tight too. I've also been really tired the last couple days, so I'm trying to eat more and get more sleep. I know this is a big week, but I have a few more to go and I can't burn out now! I know I can get through it... it's nice having Maritza encouraging me since she was right where I am just a few weeks ago. Now she's a week away from NYC Marathon and getting pumped! I'm excited for her, and I'm excited to be a week away from my own marathon and done with all this freaking training. :)

Also, yesterday I did manage to go to the pool for a super short 500 yards and a looooong soak in the hot tub. I miss swimming regularly! I am going to try to go this weekend again if I can.

So 6 miles tomorrow morning, then 20 on Saturday! yay! Have a great rest of the week kids! :)


Marathon Maritza said...

You are doing so great!!! KEEP IT UP! Go Go Go! :D

(you knew it was coming!)

Arcane said...

Be careful with those tight calfs and quads. Work out the kinks now before they reappear for marathon day. Good luck with the 20 miler!

Ryan said...

Excellent week... Good luck on the 20 on Saturday.

Michele said...

I was tired peak week too, still am.
great job on the run. take care of those legs, don't need to get hurt this close to race day.

good luck on the 20, is it your last? We still have one more!!!

Emily said...

Love the costume and that you're listening to TAL. It is awesome LOLing while you DILIHing, isn't it?

Mir said...

Now is the time to devote some extra time to the little things like stretching and warm-up. Hang in feel tired now but the taper will put you right again. Your training has been SO impressive--good luck with your 20-miler!