Monday, January 08, 2007

Cross Training back in CA

I've only been sporadicaly logging my cross training workouts, but here's another installment.

Friday 25 minutes bike (which I really suck at... I have to use the lowest levels and I'm still working really hard! Anything over level 5 is impossible. It's hilarious. But I hope to improve with practice.)

Saturday 15 minutes cardio (5 bike, 10 Arc Trainer - which I guess is an exciting variation on the eliptical) and 1 hour weight training. I'm still very very very sore!

I got signed up for a 2 week trial membership at the super gym, and I'm going to take advantage of it this week. Here's my plan:

Monday: 45 minutes cardio, Abs
Tuesday: 20-30 minutes cardio, Weights with Zach (ouch in advance)
Wednesday: 45+ minutes cardio
Thursday: Yoga class 60 minutes
Friday: off?

I see the doctor on Thursday afternoon, so there is a possibility of a small amount of my favorite thing in the world, running. At this point, I don't care if it's one mile or if it hurts. Well, I'd prefer it doesn't hurt, but I am desperate. Fingers crossed!


Michele said...

I have my fingers crossed for you good luck at the doctor. keep us posted.

Bob - said...

Good luck with your Doctor Visit on Thursday ...
My fingers aren't crossed yet cuz I am typing and have some work appts tomorrow but I will cross them for a bit on Thurs for ya :-)

Unknown said...

Sounds like a good training plan. Keep us up to date on how it goes.