Monday, February 05, 2007

Week 10 Schedule

I meant to add this to the previous post, but forgot. So here is the schedule for this first week of training. The rest of the training cycle will follow the same pattern but with more miles.

Mon: 4 miles easy (+weights: legs, abs, and upper body (since I'm missing tomorrow's lift))

Tue: 5 miles: 4 X .50 mi. repeats with .25 mi. recovery intervals. Plus one mile warm up and one mile cool down (no XT today- Sharks game!)

Wed: 0 (+45-60 minutes cardio XT, Weights: legs and abs)

Thu: 6 miles GA (+weights: upper body and abs w/ Zach)

Fri: 0 (no XT)

Sat: 10 miles Long run (+maybe yoga)

Sun: 0 (+swim)

TOTAL miles planned for week 10: 25

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